DHS to Offer Deferred Action to Eligible DREAMers

DHS will formally announce this morning that it will offer deferred action to DREAMers. Preliminary information indicates that eligible applicants must: Be 15-30 years old, and have entered before age 16 Have been present in the U.S. for 5 years as of June 15, 2012 Have maintained continuous residence Have not been convicted of one […]

H-1B cap reached for FY2013

USCIS announces that the annual limit for H-1B filings was reached as of 6/11/12. Any cap-subject applications received after that date will be rejected. AILA Infonet Doc. No. 12061242 (posted June 12, 2012). Cap-Subject H-1B Filing Pace Accelerates As any AILA member who files H-1Bs can tell you, the pace of filing cap-subject petitions increases as […]

Chemerinsky: Arizona Immigration Case Closes a Momentous Court Term

“Oral arguments in the U.S. Supreme Court’s October Term 2011 will end April 25 with one of the most important and politically controversial cases of the year: Arizona v. United States. The issue before the court is whether key provisions of Arizona’s statute SB 1070—which calls on state and local law enforcement to aggressively enforce […]

New Visa Fees as of 04/13/2012

DOS reminder that nonimmigrant and immigrant visa application fees changed on 4/13/12. If the visa fee was paid before 4/13/12, the difference between the new fee and the old fee does not need to be paid as long as the visa interview is on or before 7/12/12. AILA Doc. No. 12041642.  

Anerkennung deutscher Geldurteile in den USA

Nachdem in vergangener Zeit insbesondere Florida als Schuldnerparadies missbraucht worden ist draengen sich vermehrt bei deutschen Glaeubigern die Frage nach der Durchsetzbarkeit auslaendischer Titel in den USA auf. Die Anerkennung deutscher Geldurteile erfolgt in den USA nach einzelstaatlichem Recht, wobei in einer Vielzahl der Staaten eine einheitliche Rahmengesetzgebung (der sog. Foreign Money Judgment Recognition Act) […]

DOS Confirms China-Mainland Born and India EB-2 Cut-offs

Charlie Oppenheim, Chief of Visa Control at the State Department, has confirmed that, effective March 23, 2012, no further EB-2 visas will be authorized for China-mainland born and India applicants with priority dates of August 15, 2007, or later. Visa applicants processing in April at consulates abroad will still receive visas, as those numbers were […]

The Advantages of Becoming a US Citizen

Now more than ever, if you are a legal permanent resident (LPR) of the United States and qualify for US citizenship, you should become a US citizen. The aftermath of the 11th of September, 2001, has created much uncertainty regarding immigration law. Congress is regularly passing harsh, new immigration laws. You can protect yourself from […]

How to obtain a visa – general overview.

Generally US immigration law distinguishes between nonimmigrant and immigrant visas. Nonimmigrant visas are temporary visas which are issued up to 7 years. Some of those nonimmigrant visas allow the visa holder to live and work in the US within the specific conditions of the visa. Among the most commonly used nonimmigrant visas are the B, E, […]