2015 DV lottery registration to open on October 1, 2013
The DV-2015 Program will begin on Tuesday, October 1, 2013 at 12:00 noon EDT, and conclude on Saturday, November 2, 2013 at 12:00 noon, EDT. Please see the official announcement in the Federal Register [DV_2015_Federal Register notice]. The official DV Lottery entry site is at: www.dvlottery.state.gov. If you need help or are unsure if you […]
Daten von USA Reisenden Werden Elektronisch Erfasst
U.S. Customs and Border Protection wird in den kommenden 30 Tagen ein neues Programm implementieren, womit die weissen Papierformulare I-94 weitgehend eliminiert werden. Zukuenftig werden Reisende an allen Flughaefen und Seehaefen nur noch elektronisch erfasst werden, waehrend Reisende an den Landgrenzen mit Mexiko und Kanada weiterhin die Papierformulare ausfuellen muessen. Reisende, die einen Ausdruck der […]
CBP will Begin Rollout of Automated I-94 Arrival/Departure Record
During the next 30 days, U.S. Customs and Border Protection will implement the new paperless system of capturing the I-94 arrival/departure information from individuals visiting the United States. This system will be implemented at all air and sea ports, while travellers using the land borders, will continue to receive a paper form I-94 to complete. […]
FY 2014 H-1B Visa Cap Reached
USCIS announced in a press release on 4/8/2013 that the H-1B visa cap has been reached. Here the text of the announcement: For the first time since 2008, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has reached the statutory H-1B cap of 65,000 for fiscal year (FY) 2014 within the first week of the filing period. […]
US Employers: New Employment Eligibility Verification Form I-9 Released
Important for all US employers: USCIS released a revised version of the Form I-9 today and posted the following press release: WASHINGTON – U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) today published a revised Employment Eligibility Verification Form I-9 for use. All employers are required to complete a Form I-9 for each employee hired in the […]
Immigration Reform
3/7/2013 AP: Senators Look to Early April for : The Associated Press has reported that the bipartisan “Gang of Eight” might present their immigration reform bill after Congress returns from recess in early April. update 5/9/2013: In order to give a current overview over the immigration reform debate and its elements most hotly debated, AILA […]
Sequestration und konsularische Dienste
Mit den bevorstehenden Etat-Kuerzungen (unter dem Schlagwort “sequestration’ bekannt) werden Antragsteller amerikanischer Visen wesentlich laengere Bearbeitung- und Wartezeiten befuerchten muessen. So hat der Dachverband der amerikanischen Einwanderungsanwaelte bereits davor gewarnt, dass die US Konsulate weltweit Personalkuerzungen vornehmen wird und Visen damit nicht mehr so schnell erhaeltlich sind. Mehr denn je ist es daher anzuraten, sehr […]
Sequestration and Visa Adjudications
With the looming deadline before the automatic spending cuts take effect, the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) has issued the following practice alert: What will be the impact on visa processing at U.S. consular posts if, as seems likely, the automatic spending cutback (“sequestration”) takes place March 1, 2013, at 11:59 EST? While the exact […]
Supreme Court holds Padilla Does Not Apply Retroactively
The Supreme Court found that Padilla v. Kentucky, in which the Supreme Court held that counsel must inform noncitizen clients whether a plea carries a risk of deportation, does not apply retroactively.
Florida Supreme Court Confirms Constitutional Homestead Rights of Certain Homeowners
On October 4, 2012, the Florida Supreme Court clarified that even certain non-immigrants who own property in the State of Florida and whose families live permanently on this property may qualify for ad valorem tax relief (so-called homestead exemption). The Florida Supreme Court held that “the plain language of article VII, section 6(a), [of the […]